Music is a huge part of the storytelling on TikTok, and in many ways, TikTok has become “the new radio”. Millions of videos are made every day featuring popular and trending music. And on the flip side, TikTok can also cause new music to trend and be discovered. 

When it comes to music on TikTok, there are some nuances for brands. Here’s what brands need to know. 

Intro to Music on TikTok

There are two types of audio on TikTok:

  1. General Music Library – The general music library is a collection of all the music available for use on TikTok. Only a creator account - or those of the general public - has access to the General Music Library to use popular songs owned by major labels and publishers for non-commercial uses. (Brands can only access the Commercial Music Library… see section below.)

  2. Original Sound: Original sound is audio that is created by any user on TikTok (brands included). Original sound can be anything from music to voice overs to sound effects. Both creator accounts and business accounts have access to any user’s original sound. However, brands will need to ensure they have the appropriate licensing before using an existing song or audio for commercial use. If there are any uncertainties, it’s best to check with your legal department. 

How Brands can use Music

While brands can’t use popular songs from the General Music Library, here are three things a brand can do when it comes to music on TikTok.

  1. Use the Commercial Music Library – The Commercial Music Library (CML), is a collection of 150,000+ songs and sound effects from around the world, sourced from emerging artists and popular music houses across a variety of styles and genres. All songs in the CML are pre-cleared for commercial use and brands can use these royalty-free sounds without having to obtain licenses on their own.

  2. Safelisting from the General Music Library – If a brand wants to use a popular song, they can safelist it (think of it like whitelisting). To do so, brands must first acquire proper music rights and licensing, and then work with TikTok representatives to get the song safelisted for them to use. In this case, popular songs that have been safelisted can only be used for an organic post.

  3. Create original music – Custom music is a great route for brands, especially when it comes to viral TikTok challenges. When creating original music for TikTok, there are two main considerations: you want your song to be catchy and trendy, and also carry your brand message. At Movers+Shakers, we have a unique expertise in creating branded original music that sounds like it would fit into consumers’ Top 50 Spotify playlists - a perfect fit for the music culture on TikTok.

Interested in how your brand can show up on TikTok? Drop us a line at tiktok@moversshakers.co


